How to choose a CMS for your organization?

Scalable, flexible & distinctive



Choices aligned with your long-term vision

Choosing the right CMS is a long-term investment crucial for the growth of your organization. Let's go through the six key points that can help your organization in the choice of a new CMS.

1. Open source vs. closed source: the big decision

The choice between open source and closed source CMS is fundamental. With open source, you own the source code and can rely on an active community for development and updates. Closed source means a license and more dependency on your provider, but it can also offer more streamlined support and stability. The choice depends on the solution that fits the organization.

2. User-friendliness: a must-have

Your CMS must be easy to use. Consider managing content, modifying pages, and handling multiple languages or sites within one environment. A CMS should work for you, not against you.

3. Integration capabilities: crucial for efficiency

A common question is: which software packages need to be integrated with your CMS? Flexibility in linking various systems is a must-have when choosing a CMS. Opt for a 'best of breed' approach where you choose the best software solution for each specific part of your organization and seamlessly integrate it into the business processes.

4. Security: more important than ever

A CMS must be secure and comply with GDPR standards. Pay attention to the security of plugins and the frequency of updates. Security should always be a top priority - constant updates, proactive maintenance of the application is a must-have in collaboration with Redkiwi. An agency also always advises on user rights, access restrictions, and authentication options.

5. Future plans: look ahead

The choice of a CMS should not depend on where you are now, but where you want to move towards. Think about your long-term goals. What future plans do you have and which business systems need to be linked to the CMS? The most important thing is that a CMS is flexible enough to grow with changing market conditions.

A wellconsidered choice

Choosing a CMS is not a small decision. Take your time, do thorough research, and choose a system that not only works today but can also support your growth tomorrow and in the future.

That's why at Redkiwi, during the discovery phase, we operate from a thorough technical research and needs and requirements a choice for technology. With this, we ensure a strong and solid foundation for now and later, where we can already include the flexibility in the setup for the future. Remember: A CMS should work for you, not against you; it is an investment in your digital future.

Tim Sol
Business Consultant

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