
The key to a future-proof application and ecommerce



Addressing the core issues 

Perhaps you're among those entrepreneurs who encounter technical problems, or you're ready for a fresh digital breeze. Either way, replatforming could be your lifesaver.

Let's explore how replatforming addresses not just the symptoms but also the root causes of your digital challenges. Ready? Let's dive in!

1. The need for change: when to replatform? 

Do you recognize this: your website or webshop feels like an old, struggling shopping cart? Replatforming is the answer if you feel you're not getting everything out of your online business. Or when constant upgrades and patches are needed to keep your platform running.We see that businesses often hit the same wall: slow development, spiraling maintenance and licensing costs, and a lack of scalability. When maintenance and licensing costs exceed your development costs, we approach the crossroads where replatforming becomes inevitable.

2. Your replatforming strategy: how to Start? 

We advise you to talk to an expert. Why? Because they look at your challenges and solutions differently, thanks to their expertise. They provide a fresh perspective that goes beyond mere sales pitches. This way, we start with the most critical bottlenecks of your IT landscape. We tackle these first. For example, you can decouple the frontend while your backend systems are still running. This ensures your project remains stable online. This is a form of headless architecture.

3. The ultimate goal: never having to replatform again 

Aim for an architecture where you're no longer dependent on a single system. Think of Apple's App Store structure. Here you can add or remove apps without having to replace your entire phone. By applying composable to your application, we ensure independent parts are guaranteed for maximum flexibility and scalability. Here we reduce maintenance and licensing costs. For now, and for later.

MACH-principes are crucial

Microservices, API-first, Cloud-native, Headless. These provide a solid, flexible foundation that can grow with your business. This ensures you're not tempted to choose a short-term fix but look at your growth objectives and the future vision of your application.

Growth, flexibility, and customer satisfaction

Do you feel every year that you're hitting limitations and maintenance and licensing costs are increasing? This doesn't have to be complicated. With the right strategy and the help of experts, it's an investment that pays for itself in growth, flexibility, and customer satisfaction.

Tim Sol
Business Consultant

Ready for a website that's as dynamic as your business?

Let's start the conversation about replatforming together!

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