Jasper Verbunt

Chief Executive Officer & Founder

Fascinated by web design and the digital rise, Jasper co-founded Redkiwi with Victor Straatman in 2004. What began in a student dorm room—sounds like a familiar success story, doesn't it?—has grown into a company with 50 passionate employees.

His ambition? To become the leading Dutch agency with the greatest digital impact. He firmly believes that design and technology can make the world a better place, emphasizing that digitalization should serve humanity. This vision drives him every day.

"In our field, nothing is as constant as continual exponential change," says Jasper. He finds fulfillment in guiding clients through these changes. Alongside his role as an entrepreneur, he remains actively involved as a digital strategist for clients. Through distinctive strategies, data-driven marketing, cutting-edge creativity, and innovative technology, he helps clients grow.

"We all have to start somewhere," reflects Jasper on Redkiwi's early years. During that time, to appear more professional, they sometimes portrayed themselves as larger than they were. "For instance, if I had someone on the phone, I'd say, 'Let me transfer you to my colleague,'" he laughs, recalling how he would toss the phone across the desk to his colleague. Now celebrating 20 years, Redkiwi has grown significantly, no longer needing such tactics.

Besides Redkiwi Jasper is founder of RPA Agency VionA.


There are a few things Jasper never gets tired of. For example, he finds AI incredibly fascinating, so feel free to ask him about that. In addition, he likes to talk about his family. But never tell Jasper it's windy, because before you know it, he's off to catch the first wave with his kiteboard!

Grow with performance branding

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